Sustainability at visitBerlin

visitBerlin's Sustainability Strategy 2021ff.

We take responsibility and harmonise sustainability and tourism.

Excerpt from visitBerlin's sustainability strategy
Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Oberbaumbruecke ©  visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

It is important to visitBerlin to play an active role in the positive, sustainable development of tourism in the destination:

Berlin is one of Europe’s top destination. The city’s tourism and congress sector is a driver for jobs and a key growth factor. We are driven by our ambition to develop Berlin’s position as a tourist destination.

As a destination marketing and management organization (DMMO), we assume a key role in steering and supporting this destination’s inspiring, inclusive, and positive transformation.

For us, sustainable tourism means forging synergies between the growth of tourism and city-compatible development.

In accordance with our corporate goals, we strive for high-quality tourism. Together with our stakeholders, we have taken on the task of defining and promoting quality tourism.


The Tourism Plan 2018 +: Strategic framework for developing Berlin as a destination

Blick von der Sieggessäule Richtung Brandenburger Tor ©  Marcello Zerletti

The Tourism Plan 2018 + for Berlin has been drafted in stakeholder processes and with the support of visitBerlin, and provides the framework for developing tourism in Berlin.

It focuses on city-friendly, sustainable, and quality tourism.

 By developing a sustainability strategy for the visitBerlin company going beyond that task, the objectives of the Tourism Plan 2018+ can cascade down through visitBerlin’s areas of action, allowing the activities for sustainable development to be managed even more efficiently and effectively.

Moreover, drafting an own corporate sustainability strategy also specifically heightens awareness of internal aspects of sustainability – reflecting the importance we attach to responsibility in dealing with resources on every level.

We want to drive forward the development of sustainable tourism in Berlin and set a good example to follow.

visitBerlin Mission statement & Sustainability as a bedrock

Leitbild visitBerlin ©  visitBerlin
Mission Statement visitBerlin's

Our mission statement is the bedrock of our corporate as well as of our sustainability strategy.

Sustainability plays an overarching role in the future of visitBerlin and our work as a Destination Marketing and Management Organization (DMMO).

We have set out our sustainable orientation in our visitBerlin Sustainability Policy.

Sustainable Development Goals as key principles of visitBerlins strategy

Sustainable Development Goals ©  SDG
Die Sustainable Development Goals

We actively foster the destination’s sustainable development in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.

To give our sustainability strategy a relevant framework, we take a variety of guidelines as points of orientation.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals allow us to locate ourselves within the overarching social context, while the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) Destination Criteria provide a specific reference to tourism.

We analyse our areas of action and set concrete sustainability goals.

We are in an ongoing exchange with our stakeholders to identify areas of action and priority measures.

We systematically analyse social and political discourse so we can react accordingly.

Our strategic focus is subject to regular internal evaluations. For this, we employ methods in materiality analysis and effectively embed them in a constant process of improvement.

Our areas of action & strategic goals

 Handlungsfelder & strat. Ziele ©  visitBerlin

The start has been made: visitBerlin has defined the areas of action and is in continuous exchange with stakeholders.

In order to achieve the strategic goals, we are currently working on concrete objectives and indicators in a further process in order to be able to measure the success of our commitment. Our aspiration is to continuously develop ourselves and our contribution to sustainability.

  • Establishing visitBerlin as an attractive, ecological, and socially responsible employer.
  • Establishing Berlin’s sustainable image globally
  • Together with our partners, developing and securing sustainable and city-friendly Berlin tourism
  • Integrating sustainability criteria in the product range and product development


Stakeholder ©  visitBerlin

Together with our stakeholders we harmonise sustainability and tourism in Berlin.

Update on the sustainability activities of visitBerlin 2023

an der Wannsee-Babelsberg Route ©  Wirtschaftsförderung Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Foto: Steven Ritzer

In 2022 and 2023, visitBerlin focussed more on sustainability both internally and externally. Our goal is to develop Berlin into one of the most sustainable and city-friendly MICE & tourism destinations in Europe. In our "Update on visitBerlin's activities to sustainability (2023)", we provide you with a detailed insight into our four fields of action (corporate governance, tourism marketing and management and product development & sales) and goals and present projects and progress in the area of sustainability management in a transparent manner. In order to orientate ourselves in the direction of the national standard of the German Sustainability Code (DNK), which provides a guideline for sustainability reporting, we have assigned the projects to the corresponding subject areas of the DNK. We are particularly proud of visitBerlin's sustainability initiatives, which have been recognised and awarded nationally and internationally. For us, sustainability means continuous improvement and transformation. We look forward to continuing on our sustainable path. More details in our report.

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